Installation and requirements

Clone the repository

git clone
cd TrackSegNet

Either create and run a docker container

# Build a docker image (Rebuild the image after changing the parameters):
docker compose build
# Run the container:
docker compose run tracksegnet-env

Or create a virtual environment and install the packages

Requirement: python3.8 or equivalent and the virtualenv library

# Create the environment:
python -m venv tracksegnet-env
# virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 tracksegnet-env
# Activate the environment:
source ./tracksegnet-env/bin/activate # for Windows PowerShell: .\tracksegnet-env\Scripts\Activate.ps1 (run as administrator)
# Install the required python libraries:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Note for later, to deactivate the virtual environment, type deactivate.